ezyZip Pro Exclusive

Convert Archive Files Effortlessly

Convert archives in just a few clicks with ezyZip Archive Converter. The same simple interface you love from the web app, now with no file size limits and support for 70+ formats. Available exclusively to ezyZip Pro subscribers!

Version 2025.2.19 64-bit Windows 10/11
Version 2025.2.19 ARM64 macOS 11+
ezyZip Archive Converter

No Size Limits

Convert archives of any size

Ultra Fast

Local processing for speed

Works Offline

No internet needed


Process files locally

Supported Formats

Convert between any of these formats with ease

Read Formats

Convert FROM these formats

Common Archives
.zip .rar .7z .tar.gz
Compressed Archives
.gz .bz2 .xz .zst
Disk Images
.iso .vhd .vmdk .img
System & Apps
.apk .deb .rpm .pkg

Save Formats

Convert TO these formats

Popular Formats
ZIP Most compatible 7Z Best compression
TAR Variants
tar.gz tar.xz tar.lz tar.lzma tar.zst
Other Options
WIM Windows imaging shar warc cpio bin Extract to files

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about ezyZip Archive Converter

  • Windows 10 or 11 (64-bit)
  • 4GB RAM recommended
  • Disk space:
    • 303MB for application installation
    • Sufficient temporary space for file conversion (at least as much as your largest archive size, as files need to be extracted before being recompressed)

No! Unlike our web version which has a 2GB limit, the desktop app can handle files of any size. The only limitation is your computer's available memory and storage space.

Internet is only needed for:

  • Initial download and installation
  • License verification (once on installation)
  • Checking for updates

All file processing is done locally on your computer - no files are uploaded to the internet.

Read Formats:

We can convert FROM these formats:

  • Standard folders
  • Archives: .7z, .zip, .rar, .zipx
  • Disk Images: .iso, .img, .vhd, .vmdk, .vdi, .qcow, .apfs
  • Mobile/App: .apk, .ipa, .appx, .msix
  • Package Files: .deb, .rpm, .pkg

Full list of supported input formats:

.7z, .7z.nrg, .a, .aab, .ace, .alz, .apfs, .apk, .appx, .appxbundle, .ar, .arc, .arj, .azw3, .br, .bz2, .cab, .cb7, .cba, .cbt, .cbr, .cbw, .cbz, .chm, .cpio, .cramfs, .crx, .deb, .ear, .egg, .elf, .exe, .ext, .ext2, .ext3, .fat, .fbz, .gdz, .gpt, .gz, .gzip, .hfs, .hpi, .ice, .ifczip, .img, .ipa, .ipsw, .iso, .jar, .kmz, .kfx, .lha, .lib, .lim, .liz, .lqm, .lrz, .lz, .lz4, .lz5, .lzh, .lzma, .lzo, .mbr, .mbz, .mcaddon, .mcpack, .mctemplate, .mcworld, .msix, .msi, .nsi, .nsis, .ntfs, .pak, .paq8f, .paq8l, .pax, .pea, .pim, .pit, .piz, .pk3, .pkg, .pkz, .qcow, .qcow2, .qcow3, .rar, .rpm, .rz, .sea, .sen, .sfark, .sfs, .shn, .sit, .sitx, .snap, .sqx, .squashfs, .swm, .tar, .tbz2, .tgz, .tlz, .tpk, .tpsr, .txz, .tz, .tzst, .ubz, .udf, .ufa, .uha, .vdi, .vhd, .vhdx, .vmdk, .vpk, .war, .whl, .wim, .xapk, .xar, .xef, .xip, .xpi, .xz, .xz4, .Z, .z, .zab, .zed, .zi, .zi_, .zix, .zl, .zip, .zipx, .zpi, .zpaq, .zst

Write Formats:

You can convert TO these formats:

  • ZIP - Most compatible format
  • 7Z - Best compression ratio
  • TAR - Unix standard archive
  • TAR with compression:
    • TAR.GZ - Good compression, widely supported
    • TAR.BZ2 - Better compression than GZ
    • TAR.ZST - Newer format, great compression, extremely fast speeds
  • A - Unix static library archive format
  • AR - Unix archive format, used for libraries and packages
  • BIN - Binary archive format, commonly used for CD/DVD images
  • CPIO - Unix CPIO archive format, used in package managers
  • PAX - POSIX standard archive format with extended attributes
  • SHAR - Shell archive format, self-extracting shell scripts
  • WARC - Web ARChive format, for storing web crawls
  • WIM - Windows Imaging Format
  • Extract to files

Once the app is installed, you can continue using that version indefinitely - even if your subscription expires. No features will be disabled or locked.

However, you'll need an active subscription to:

  • Download and install newer versions of the app
  • Install the app on a new or reformatted computer

Yes! Once you've downloaded and installed ezyZip Archive Converter, you can cancel your subscription anytime. The app will continue to work with all features fully enabled - even after your subscription expires.

You'll need an active subscription to install the app, but once installed, you can cancel anytime.

By default, the app checks for updates when it starts and will notify you if a new version is available. You can:

  • Allow update checks on startup (default)
  • Disable update checks in settings
  • Manually check for updates anytime via "Help > Check for updates..."

When a new version is available, you'll need to download and install it manually. Note that installing newer versions requires an active subscription.

Yes! We're currently working on Mac and Linux versions. Pro subscribers will get access to these as soon as they're released at no additional cost.

Absolutely! If you need support for a format that's not listed, please contact us. We regularly add support for new formats based on user requests.